Today I found myself in a cleaning frenzy so my usual sewing time was spent rug doctoring my carpets. (It was awful, I now know for sure that our rental company did NOT have our carpets cleaned before we moved in). But come bed time my husband still was still on a 24 hour shift so I found myself with an hour to kill and pintrest boards staring at me.
I have a large stash of scraps and my sewing machine is feeling over worked so I tried a coaster idea they had. I decided to change it up, putting scrapbook paper on a tile for drinks with condensation seemed like poor planning so I replaced the scrap book paper with scraps from my fabric stash and instead of stick on felt I cut and glue gunned my own.
What you will need for this project is:
Tiles (13 cents from Home Depot)
Felt (25 cents a sheet you can get 4 bottoms a sheet)
Glue Gun
Fabric Scraps
Start with the felt on the bottom (this way you can get more done without waiting for the modge podge top to dry) Glue gun the felt on to the rough bottoms I cut a pieces that were slightly too big and then trimmed them after they were glued. Make sure that you glue the very edges and fill in a couple of the rectangles but don't over do the glue, felt is porous and could ooze. They sell felt stick ons but they don't cover the whole bottom and are more expensive so I opted to break out the glue gun.
Once the fabric is fairly dry (it might still be a little tacky but that's not too big a deal) trim off the edges as close as you can, then add another layer of modge podge, make sure you get the edges so that your fabric doesn't fray at all.
I made several different coasters, a set of four and then some odd balls. I love the way they turned out.
It may not have technically been during nap time but it was a fun and productive way to spend an hour! (plus I got to catch up on Scandal while I did it!)
UPDATE: I found a fun way to make it even more interesting, make your coasters mini quilts! just be generous with your first layer of modge podge and make sure your pieces will come together! here are the new ones!
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