As my daughter gets older she has outgrown quite a lot; her clothes, the fresh beat band (thank goodness), and even most of her toys. I hate going toy shopping because she will usually see something she likes bring it home, throw it in the corner and then play with a spatula for the next hour. So with that in mind I am making an effort not to spend much money on toys that may be popular for less time than whoever sang the macarena. Today I was inspired to do a little recycling and embrace her love of music and chaos, something I am sure I may regret later but hey no risk no reward right?
Toddler Drum Made from scrap fabric, random debris and a Gerber puffs container.
modge podge
scrap fabric
seal able container
debris for inside rattle (i used bead and two jingle bells)
glue gun (just to seal the top extra tight)
1. wipe out the inside of the empty container and then score the outside, i just used a bent sewing machine needle, really anything that will rough up the smooth cardboard a little bit, this is just to help the modge podge grip the fabric, super smooth surfaces don't tend to hold as well.
it only takes about a minute just make sure you get all the way around (you don't want you tiny human finding the weak spot and pulling)

4. add your noise makers!

(do this step quickly because you don't want your glue to cool down before you cap it!)